Company news April 4, 2023 2 MIN READ

Scoro Up For Three Awards at The Global Business Tech Awards

Work management scale-up is named as a finalist in the SaaS Company of the Year, Tech Company of the Year (Medium Size), and Entrepreneur of the Year categories! The Global Business Tech Awards recognize, reward and celebrate all things technical in the business world – tech is what keeps companies running. They are judged by leading, international, industry experts. 

The categories include communication, productivity, business operations and agencies, and they are open to the most innovative and creative technology software tools working across the world, whether local or international.

Scoro’s three shortlistings include SaaS company of the Year, which the organizers describe as the award to recognize the world’s leading Software as a Service company.

The second category Scoro is up for is Tech Company of the Year. This category celebrates the incredible tech companies with a turnover of up to £30m/$40m across all sectors that have been making their mark during the last year. The judges asked that entries should demonstrate commitment to tech innovation.

Finally, businesses need dynamic entrepreneurs, and the tech sector has more than the most. Some have high profiles, but others prefer to work tirelessly behind the scenes away from the public eye. The judges wanted to recognize the leaders with the X-factor, and as a result Scoro’s founder and CEO, Fred Krieger, has been selected as a finalist for Entrepreneur of the Year.

Dan Roche, VP of Marketing for Scoro said “Scoro is a global business expanding rapidly into the UK, North America and APAC, gaining great traction with agency and consultancy customers, so it’s great to receive recognition for the major progress we’ve made. We also have a CEO with a fresh vision for the new world of work, so we’re delighted that Fred has been shortlisted!”

Scoro’s work management software helps agencies, consultancies and professional service firms streamline projects, simplify quoting, automate billing, and optimize utilization in one beautiful end-to-end platform. It has offices in London, New York and the Baltics.

The final takes place on May 5th 2022.

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