Product November 15, 2023 4 MIN READ

March 2023 Version Update: Meet the Help Station

We take good support seriously in Scoro, as we’re ever committed to helping you work smoother and smarter. To make sure the necessary help is always at hand, we’ve created a new clever companion for you – say hello to the Help Station! And we’re topping it off with a few general usability improvements.

See what’s new this month!

Help Station

The Help button in the top right corner has always held a lot of knowledge in Scoro. With this update, we’re giving it a full makeover. The Help button now opens up the brand new Help Station, which serves as a one-stop shop for all support materials. It gathers together knowledge-packed tours, videos and articles that teach you how to get the most value out of Scoro.

Open the Help Station

The best part? The Help Station is dynamic the contents change as you move around in Scoro, so it always offers you resources that are relevant to the exact view you’re currently in. This saves you the trouble of having to do your own digging.

Help Station video modal

Whenever you do wish to dive deeper or check out anything else, simply use the search bar – our whole Help Center is at your fingertips via the search! Type in your keywords to find relevant resources from our knowledge base and access them with a single click.

Search for articles

Help Center itself got a nice little facelift as well and is now more convenient to use than ever before!

So whether you’re a seasoned Scoro user or a newbie still learning the ropes – we encourage you to click the Help button in any view in Scoro to discover the Help Station along with some new tips and tricks.

Financial data in the project list

You can now evaluate directly in the project list view how you’re progressing against your profitability targets across the portfolio. We’ve added the estimated profit number to the profit column, so it’s easier to keep an eye on project health. You can track the actual progress against the initial estimations and dive deeper into the project level whenever the numbers show any signs of concern.

Profit column in project list view

Pro tip! Summarize the project list by clients to see whose projects hit the desired margins. This helps you evaluate which clients are more profitable and which ones fall short of expectations – so you’ll know exactly where to direct your efforts and focus.

Profit summary by clients

We’ve also switched the placement of quoted and actual numbers in financial columns to unify the logic across all views. They’re now displayed the same way as in the Quoted vs Actual table – actual numbers on the top row, quoted sums on the bottom row.

Project quoted vs actual

Time entries in Calendar

Last month we added the possibility to rearrange time entries directly in the Planner view to create more specific agendas for the day. This month we’ve made sure that all team members see these time entries in the planned order when hovering over their daily to-do list in the Calendar view. This way, it’s more convenient for everyone to keep track of priorities and tackle the assigned work in the intended order.

Order of time entries

Recurring events

We’ve improved the updating logic behind recurring events when you modify more than one occurrence. Instead of overwriting the whole event, Scoro now overwrites only the fields that get modified. This also applies to the participant list. When you add or remove a person from all or future occurrences, Scoro now updates information about that particular person without refreshing the whole participant list.


We’re working on…

  • Advanced triggers and actions. Set up even more complex rules in Scoro to get notified of very specific changes across the site or trigger custom workflows via webhooks.
  • Full quote-to-cash flow with role prices. Use roles already on quotes and build your whole flow around role prices – from scoping to tracking to billing.

Wishing for your improvement ideas to come to life on your Scoro site? Send us your feature request.


❗Not to worry, if your Scoro site hasn’t been updated yet, the update is rolling out gradually over the next few weeks.

We do our very best to make Scoro better every day, so we appreciate your feedback. Let us know what you think at [email protected].

Want to learn more tips to use Scoro to its full potential? See these guides:

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