Product June 17, 2024 4 MIN READ

January 2023 Version Update: Role Prices, Usability Improvements and More

We’re starting the year off by bringing even greater flexibility to Scoro – from more easily adjustable role prices and more convenient time entry management to better customizable search settings.

See what’s new in Scoro!

Role prices on project level

A few months ago we launched the concept of roles in Scoro to better support role-based approach to pricing, which is essential when the exact price of your service depends on who actually carries out the work. Once you set up roles in Scoro, you can define the default global selling price for each role in each of your price lists.

With this update, we are making role-based pricing options even more flexible – you can now conveniently adjust role prices on project level as well. If your selling prices tend to vary from project to project, you can now easily update the values directly in the project Modify view to override the global defaults whenever you need. We’ve moved all price-related fields under the Budget and pricing section for a more compact overview. Simply click on Modify role prices, adjust the values for the project and save your changes. Scoro will then apply these modified role prices to any time logged against that particular project.


Order of time entries

In the task detailed view, you can now change the sorting order of the time entries based on date, duration or billable time. This means you can easily order your time entries from newest to oldest or vice versa with a single click and do away with tedious scrolling in time-entry-heavy tasks. Even better – once you sort your time entries in a certain way under one task, Scoro will automatically remember that preference for all the other tasks as well!


Expandable list and board views

We’ve added an option to expand most of the list and board views in Scoro, such as task and project lists, task boards, Timesheet, Planner, reports, etc. This way it’s more convenient to use Scoro on bigger screens as you can extend the visible area to match your screen width. If your browser window exceeds 1800 pixels, the expansion-contraction button will appear automatically in the top right corner of the page. Once you expand one view, Scoro will remember this preference globally. You can contract the view again at any point using the same button.


Improved search

We’ve significantly improved search response time in Scoro. Search is now performed module by module and results load instantly as they are found. You get to determine the order of searchable modules – open your Search settings and reorder the modules by simply dragging them around. Move more important and frequently searched modules to the top to make sure that the most relevant results are always returned first. In addition, you can now include partial matches in your search results!


Time and project management tutorials

We’ve prepared a series of short video tutorials that focus on time management and project management to help new users master the main workflows in Scoro. We encourage you to share these video tutorials with any newcomers in your team to help them onboard faster!


We’re working on…

  • Schedule management in the Planner. Organize your day and prioritize activities directly in the Planner view by re-ordering events and time entries with a simple drag and drop.
  • Advanced triggers and actions. Set up even more complex rules in Scoro to get notified of very specific changes across the site or trigger custom workflows via webhooks.

Wishing for your improvement ideas to come to life on your Scoro site? Send us your feature request.


❗Not to worry, if your Scoro site hasn’t been updated yet, the update is rolling out gradually over the next few weeks.

We do our very best to make Scoro better every day, so we appreciate your feedback. Let us know what you think at [email protected].

Want to learn more tips to use Scoro to its full potential? See these guides:

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