Customer stories May 16, 2022 4 MIN READ

Consultancy Saves 30% Time on Managing Daily Work

Aesara Partners offers executive coaching, leadership development and consultancy services to businesses in 15 different countries around the world. Their mission is simple – to enable you to be the best version of yourself. Aesara coaches have all been senior leaders and their services unlock the potential of people, teams, and cultures to maximize business performance.

Nathalie Dassas and Jodie Gibbens, the CEOs of Aesara Partners, both have extensive experience in business strategy, marketing, communications, designing and implementing corporate brands.

Aesara Partners has been using Scoro since November 2017

Everyone within the company uses Scoro on a daily basis to manage their everyday communications, consultancy projects, and tasks, and to log time and bill clients for time.

Aesara Partners praises Scoro’s CRM, sales quoting, and invoicing capabilities. Their most loved feature is Scoro’s customizable dashboard, that’s used on a daily basis for productivity, sales, and financial reporting.

Scoro’s Customizable KPI Dashboard

What made Aesara Partners choose Scoro?

During Jodie Gibbens’ 10 years at a previous company, she constantly struggled with the efficiency and quality of the entire consultancy business funnel – all the way from managing and handling quotes, invoices, contracts, and client accounts.

With Aesara Partners, Jodie was determined to make all business processes easier for their coaches and more efficient for the management of the company. She wanted Aesara Partners to be more professional and bring more value to their clients, so they needed an effective software for bringing high-quality control and consistency of content and branding. “We are now a second-year start-up and Scoro is fulfilling these criteria beautifully. And where there are gaps, they work with us to find solutions,” says Nathalie Dassas.

Scoro All-in-One Work Management Software

Scoro provides a complete toolset for managing business

Prior to Scoro, they tried another reputable workflow system. However, they found it to be cumbersome and inadequate for their needs. The previous system seemed to be designed more with a specific company structure in mind, i.e., supply, purchase orders, and billing with either a manufacturing or service industry model in mind. Scoro seemed to be the perfect solution for professional and service-oriented organizations.

Nathalie Dassas: “Because we had already experienced what we didn’t want, it was more apparent when we found what would work for us.”

Ultimately the choice was made after discussions with Scoro’s sales team, and hands-on use of the system.

“With Scoro, we have found a  business management software that is transparent and easy to use – a system that works for the user, not the other way around, ” says Jodie Gibbens.

Aesara Partners team found Scoro’s official onboarding program to be extremely valuable. Nathalie Dassas further comments: “Most of the problems we have encountered to date have more to do with the start-up nature of our company. For example, we did not have an accountancy system, to begin with, and started using Scoro first; we then started using Xero and had teething problems with the communication between the two platforms. Our understanding is that most companies do the reverse: start with the accountancy system and then add the work management system.”

“Scoro is definitely critical to our business operations,” both CEOs are convinced.

The Results

  • Aesara Partners moved from Excel to Scoro – replacing many manual processes.
  • The control over the quality of their service has more than doubled, which has resulted in increased efficiency and profitability.
  • 30% of hours saved on managing the daily workflow by the time coaches.
  • 100% of time saved on accessing live reports. No more time has to be spent on putting together reports because the team can now see everything on real-time dashboards and preset reports.

“There is more quality control over what goes out to clients and how we track it internally, it is much faster and easier to manage our workflow,” says Jodie Gibbens.

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